Monday, March 27, 2006


No doubt everyone's anxiously awaiting the entertaining version from Muffin, but here it is: hodags won all 8 games this weekend, including ones against Stanford (I bet you love that, Carrington), UCSD, Oregon, Texas, and Florida. Also Brown (dang those guys are having a tough year... aren't they the current champions?), Michigan, and Western Washington. Hodags didn't get to play CUT, but at least they got to beat two of the teams that beat CUT. The final sounded every bit as exciting as the George Mason/UConn game today. Thanks to Kevin Riley for the voicemail recap, but I'll let someone who was there tell the story.


BrussSucks said...

Go Hodags!
now post the damn write up so we can all bask in your projected glory

Muffin said...

just chill kids. It might be up by the end of the day if I don't study for my calc test...