Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fall 2008 Tryout Information!!


JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP "UW-Madison Ultimate Frisbee Tryouts"

Tryouts for the Wisconsin Hodags will continue on Wednesday, September 10th at 4:30pm. They will be held at the University Bay Fields, located near the UW-Hospital on the west side of campus (The fields are directly across from the Waisman Center). Refer to this online map if you need help locating the fields:

Important Information:

-Tryouts will be every Monday and Wednesday at 4:30pm, lasting till around 7:30pm
-Make sure to bring a white and dark jersey/shirt to practice
-Bring cleats if you have them
-Tryouts will continue into October, at which point the team will be decided after our local tryout tournament on October 18th and 19th. Make sure you are available to attend if you are serious about playing for the Hodags.
-Last year we had two different B-Teams, and will almost certainly have the same this year. Everyone will have an opportunity to compete, be it on the A-Team, or the B-Team(s).
-Invite your friends! The more people the better!

If you have any questions, you can contact Ben Feldman at


The Wisconsin Hodags